2024 WPBA CueSpeed/NAPA Invitational
Railyard Billiards & Sports Pub
630 Barret Ave, Louisville, KY 40204
Rankings List Used for Invites: 2024 Post Palmetto; Ranking List Used for Seeding: 2024 Olhausen Colorado
Player Information: 64-Player Field
October 10-13, 2024
Holiday Inn Louisville Airport South
6551 Paramount Park Drive
Louisville, KY 40213
Booking Link
Reservations: (502) 966-0000
Rate: $109/night; Group Block Name: “Women’s Professional Billiard Association”.
Reservations much be received no later than September 25, 2024.
Shuttle to and from the airport is FREE!
When you arrive at the airport and have collected your luggage, follow the signs for hotel shuttles.
Once you are in the designated area, call the hotel at (502) 966-0000 and let them know they are ready to be picked up.
The closest airport to Railyard Billiards for the October event is the Louisville International Airport (SDF) located at 600 Terminal Drive, Louisville, KY 40209
SCHEDULE - all times are in Eastern Time Zone (EST)
There will be no player meeting for this event. Please reach out to (TBD) if there is any reason you will not arrive on time.
10:00am: Play Begins.
12:00 Noon: Final 4 Compete (10 am, semi’s 10 min after, finals 10 min after)
*Times are subject to change.
The format for the tournament shall consist of maximum 64-player field, double elimination. Top 32 Seeded. Alternating break. Race to 8. Final match: 1 Race to 10.
No guest passes needed. There is no charge for spectators.
There will be 10 Diamond Tournament Tables. Equipment: Diamond Tables, Aramith Balls, and Simonis Cloth.
Entry fee is $425 (Incudes $25 Admin Fee).
All players MUST respond and pay the $50 non-refundable deposit within 5 days of receiving the invite. Payment of Dues, Signed Contract and Full Entry Fee must be RECEIVED no later than 2 weeks later or by September 25th (whichever is soonest). If you are unable to attend for any reason, please let us know immediately. If we can fill your spot, we will refund you all but $50. Final deadline will be October 2nd at which entries will close and no refunds issued after this deadline. Forms and Payments can be found online at wpba.com – scroll to bottom and click on “WPBA Players Login” or use this link. Password: WPBAtour24 (case sensitive).
(Based on full field of 64 Players)
Total purse of $40,600 with $15,000 Added.
1st: $8,000
2nd: $5,400
3rd: $4,000
4th: $3,000
5-6th: $2,000
7-8th: $1,500
9-12th: $1,200
13-16th: $900
17-24th: $600
Total: $40,600