“Don’t wait for luck, dedicate yourself and you can find yourself standing in the Hall Of Fame.”
Members of the WPBA Hall of Fame
Meritorious Service
Mary Kenniston, 2022
Gerda Hofstatter 2018
Helena Thornfeldt 2017
Allison Fisher 2016
Vivian Villarreal 2015
Jeanette Lee 2013
Robin Dodson - 2009
Ewa Laurance - 2008
LoreeJon Brown - 2008
Belinda Calhoun - 2006
Jean Balukas - 2002
Masako Katsura- 1990
Dorothy Wise - 1980
Ruth McGinnis -1976
James J. Bakula - 2009
Shari Stauch - 2007
Harold Simonsen - 2007
Vicki Paski - 2005
Palmer Byrd - 2001
Madelyn Whitlow Roberts - 2001
Joel Farhat - 1986
Sy & Dolly Eckstadt - 1984